Fluid retention, dryness & tiredness. The feet and legs are subjected to the effects of gravity, placing enormous pressure on the lower part of the body. Good, regular foot care will reduce dry, hard and thick skin. Stimulation and relief increase blood circulation and reduce the accumulation of fluid in the tissues causing edema. With good rituals, we can really optimize our everyday well-being
Lie down with your legs above heart level when possible and refrain from sitting with your legs crossed. A foot bath is a loving evening ritual, that most people will love.
Dry brush your feet and legs daily for increased blood circulation and to reduce sore and swollen feet and legs. Massage with balms, lotions and/or oils before bed and slip on a pair of bed socks to keep your bedding clean. This way, the care products have many hours to work their magic. Exfoliate weekly with scrubs to cleanse with natural, effective salts and to remove dead skin cells.