25 years of redefining wellness

To mark Karmameju's 25th anniversary and Mette Skjærbæk's 50th birthday, we present this extensive interview with our founder. Learn more about the person who kicked it all off 25 years ago, sharing reflections on everything from passion and product development to the future and the past.

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Sex is wellness, too

There are many loving invitations to find the inner self-connection. Sex is one of them. Let yourself be seduced by sensual experiences and rituals that spark sexual intimacy. Sensual and warm, aromatherapeutic scents from our perfumes and oils or skin-stimulating touches from dry brushes - we show you 6 different ways you can use Karmameju's products in a loving and sexy way.

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Meet the CEO of Karmameju

CEO, mountain climber, photographer, cyclist, husband, father, friend, and just an all-around good guy. Get to know Jens Høgsted better in this photo article - featuring pictures taken by himself, of course. Here, he touches on the ideal work-life balance and how he finds time to fill his DO YOU cup in a busy everyday life, where he leads at the helm of Karmameju HQ. Also, hear him share a bit about his second home in Chamonix, France, where his passion for nature photography and mountain climbing has led to the release of a recent photo book on the impact of climate change on the mountains.

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Skinification - the future of hair care

You've probably heard of the ingredient Hyaluronic acid, whose moisture-attracting and -retaining abilities have long captivated the skincare industry. But did you know that Hyaluronic acid is increasingly being used in hair care? Delve into the future of hair care, where ingredients inspired by skincare pave the way for a new era in hair care.

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Stretch for healthier skin

Stretching doesn’t only feel good for the body. Regular stretching is essential for the body’s health, especially for the connective tissue. Surprisingly, stretching regularly can contribute to healthier skin. Read more in this article by our Founder, Mette Skjærbæk.

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DO YOU move?

“As winter slowly but surely sneaks up on me over the months, my motivation to workout tends to decline. The cold weather has me leaning towards introversion rather than extroversion. This isn't the ideal scenario for me, particularly considering my busy mind. I must be a strict boss-lady to myself, ensuring that I engage both my body and mind.”

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Earl Grey Martini

In this cocktail recipe, two worlds come together as the invigorating taste of Earl Grey tea merges with the iconic Martini drink. An energy booster that's incredibly easy to make and a great alternative to a 'healthy' cocktail.

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White Tea Fizz

Easy to shake, and oh-so-refreshing. This cocktail recipe features an exquisite combination of white tea, your favorite vodka or gin, sweet honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

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